Steven Rindner Shares His Knowledge About Stem Cells

Stem cells are the raw materials that make up the human body. It is from these cells that the other specialized functional cells evolve. If the body conditions are perfect, then the stem cells give birth to what is known as daughter cells. Steven Rindner, a student pursuing his bachelor’s degree in biology, is very fond of gather knowledge on various scientific things. He has done his research on stem cells as well and loves to share his insights for all biology aficionados such as him.
Need to study stem cell
The study of stem cells is very important because of the clarity it brings in understanding how diseases come into being and their development. Additionally, by gathering knowledge about stem cells, scientists and researchers are better positioned to generate healthy cells and replace them with unhealthy disease-causing ones. People with injuries in the spinal cord, type 1 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s diseases can benefit from a study of the stem cells, as the subject helps them understand the functioning of the building blocks of the human body.
The other reason that makes learning about stem cells pertinent is that it helps in the creation of new drugs. The stem cells are used to try and understand how safe a new investigational drug is for people. This proves to be of great help in drug development; for example, nerve stem cells could be used to test new drugs for nervous diseases.
The Origin of Stem cells
According to researches, there are many sources for the origin of stem cells. The first one of them is called an embryonic stem cell. The embryos which are a few days old are the house to this kind of stem cell.
The adult stem cells are the ones that are found in adult tissues like fat or bone marrow. Initially, it was thought that the adult cells could generate only similar cells; for example, a blood cell can create a blood cell. However, with further studies, it was found that the adult stem cells can produce other types of cells too. For example, a marrow cell can be used to generate a heart muscle cell.
Biology major student Steven Rindner has studied that stem cells are capable of reproduction and self-renewal. The studies on stem cells are continually being practiced, which is how the latest stem cell technology came into being. It is known as the induced pluripotent stem cells. These types of stem cells are taken from adult stem cells.
Also known as the “precursor cells,” this stem cell type behaves like an embryonic stem cell and can reproduce any kind of cell. This cell was created because it was believed that adult stem cells are not as versatile as embryonic ones.
As further developments occur in the stem cell study, Steven Rindner has come to know that stem cells can be used in therapy, and it goes by the name of regenerative medicine. Stem cells have been proving to be revolutionary in the world of medication and treatment.